Ladies, the female hormone – Estrogen - plays a critical role in the functioning of your body. And yet even the slightest imbalance can lead to a raft of problems, ranging from heavy, painful periods to indigestion, acne, weight gain, and constipation – and that’s just when your Estrogen is imbalanced. There are also the hormones of testosterone, adrenaline, and insulin that can be imbalanced, too – which can lead to issues including depression, fatigue, insomnia, low libido, hair loss, and hair thinning.
In response to imbalanced hormones, medical professionals offer an array of clinical solutions – and yet they too come with their own risk of brand-new symptoms, while others are invasive.
Thankfully reaching the perfect equilibrium in hormonal balance, all month through, is simpler than you may have realized. All you need to do is stick to the following five golden rules of healthy hormone management…
1. Up Your Fiber Intake - From Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Eating enough fiber is important for keeping your Estrogen levels in check (excess Estrogen is excreted through our digestive system).
High-fiber vegetables include carrots, beets, broccoli, collard greens, Swiss chard, spinach, artichokes, and potatoes.
While high fiber fruit includes bananas, oranges, apples, mangoes, strawberries, and raspberries.
2. Top Up Your Levels of Lean Protein
Lean protein has something that your hormone-crazed body needs - essential amino acids. These acids look after your muscles, bone, skin, and overall health. And the good news doesn’t stop there, either, as lean proteins are also shown to make you feel fuller, for longer (25% longer, to be precise).
So, how much lean protein do you need? Some hormone health experts have concluded that you need a minimum of 20 – 30 grams per meal. Here’s a list of what that could be made up of…
- Oats
- Almonds
- Brussel sprouts
- Cottage cheese
- Greek yogurt
- Turkey breast
- Whey protein supplements
- Lentils
- Tuna
- Quinoa
- Milk
- Fish
- Broccoli
- Peanuts
- Lean beef
- Pumpkin seeds
- Chicken breast
- Eggs
3. Commit to Regular Hormone-boosting, Serotonin-supercharging Exercise
Exercise isn’t just fabulous for your state of mind (as it delivers a shot of feel-good hormone serotonin), it’s also great for reducing insulin levels and boosting insulin sensitivity.
The importance of balanced insulin levels cannot be overestimated, as too much insulin can lead to inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
Study after study has linked certain exercises with the lowering of insulin levels - including aerobic exercise, strength training, and endurance exercise. However, even if you can’t manage strenuous exercise, a gentle 30-minute walk every day can help.
4. Sugar and Refined Carbs – Avoid Them Like the Plague
You probably don’t need to be told that sugar and refined carbs have been proven to cause health problems. What you may not know is that they can also throw your insulin levels into disarray (not to mention sabotaging any attempts at dieting). Cutting down on sugar-high foods and refined carbs can help you control your insulin and you may even unexpectedly get leaner in the process.
Here are a couple of lists you may want to stick on the fridge door….
Foods high in sugar
- Low-Fat Yogurt
- BBQ Sauce
- Canned Fruit
- Cereal Bars
- Fruit Juice
- Pre-Made Soup
- Canned Baked Beans
- Breakfast Cereal
- Granola
- Flavoured Coffees
- Protein Bars
- Sports Drinks
- Chocolate Milk
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Ketchup
Foods high in refined carbs
- Pasta (especially white pasta)
- White rice
- Rice snacks
- Crackers
- Cakes
- Cookies
- Bagels
- Donuts
- Muffins
- Baked desserts
- Pastries
- Pizza Dough
- Hamburger or hot dog buns
- Pancakes
- Waffles
5. Proactively Pursue High-Quality Zzzzzz’s
Once you’ve got your diet right and are exercising regularly, it’s time to tackle your sleep routine (which a good diet and regular exercise should be naturally encouraging in any case).
Poor-quality sleep impacts an array of hormones, including insulin, cortisol, leptin, ghrelin, and growth hormones. It can also mean that you enter a cycle of Estrogen spikes and troughs, which serve to further fuel the insomniac-merry go-round.
Good sleep means 8 hours a night of uninterrupted sleep, every night. While you may be aware of the usual sleep tips, here are some that you may not have come across…
- Increase your exposure to bright light during the day – if you haven’t been outside all day, make sure you get out and about for at least 15 minutes
- Decrease blue light in the three hours running up to bedtime – Blue light is emitted from your smartphone, tablet, and laptop
- Consider taking a melatonin supplement – This natural tablet stimulates the sleep hormone melatonin, which effectively tells your brain when its bedtime
- Eat a high-(healthy) carb meal three hours before bed
Getting your hormones in check takes time and dedication. So we’ll close by saying this - stick to our tips, and month on month you’ll gradually feel the positive effects of balanced hormones (while also diminishing your risk of long-term health problems that could eventually arrive in the future).